Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him.Isaiah 51.2
Woe to those who join house to house; they add field to field, till there is no place where they may dwell alone in the midst of the land! Isaiah 5.8
The error of man today is threefold, as the Lord said in the parable of the sower (Matthew 13.1-23). Man is fascinated by the possibility of amassing riches, as if this will protect him from the evils of the world. He is like a field full of thorns, where the seed falls and produces little or nothing. This is bad, it does not come from God, and it only serves to show a proud, conceited and vain heart. Now, does it take so much to be happy? Be vigilant! Many people also worry about what Christ called the cares of this world. This is demonic, as is the deceitfulness of riches. Now, whatever must happen to your life will happen, unless you are strong in faith and pray for God to protect you. Why so much worry, when the Lord has promised not to leave or forsake those who do His will? (Hebrews 13.5,6). It is best to walk hand in hand with the Most High, so never deviate from this. Jesus also spoke of the covetousness for other things. Some may be normal, but there are evil ones, such as possessing someone’s spouse, taking someone’s farm, and other vanities. Now, we have to desire what God offers us, seeking what He shows us through His Word. To covet the good of our neighbor or what the Lord has not planned for us is a waste of time. Why do you want to know more than others? Isaiah issued a rebuke to the covetous, saying: Woe to those who join house to house; (v. 8a). Is there any point in owning so many residences, if we only need one to live in? It is true that many people own real estate because they know how to save and trade, or do it to have an extra income in old age. But when the spirit of pride and vanity is behind this act, they must feel that the prophet’s warning refers to what they will suffer for yielding to the temptation. Ambition for other things leads many to buy houses, estates, and other valuable items, as collectors of rarities do. They are satisfied with the possession of these goods, as if these will guarantee them happiness on Earth and then in eternity. Those who are God’s must pay heed to His command and fulfill it under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The saved person must strive to please the Most High in everything. In the end, they will live next to Him in Heaven (Colossians 3.17,23). The spirit of selfishness always finds an excuse – making up a fake story or using another plan whose teacher is the devil – to take what belongs to others. The Lord warned: their purpose is to be alone in the midst of the land! The goods can stay by their side, but not the people. Why don’t they do the opposite, taking Jesus into their hearts? The one who is rich towards God will discover that laying up treasure in heaven is much better (Matthew 6.20). We cannot waste time, but rather employ all our efforts to give the world the Bread from Heaven, the only one capable of satisfying the hunger that everyone has for the Truth (John 6.33ff). In this way, they will be blessed, for they have left the comfort of their homes to go to several places in the world, taking the message that heals, frees and saves man from eternal damnation. Believe and live! In Christ, with love, Doctor Soares. What more could have been done to My vineyard that I have not done in it? Why then, when I expected it to bring forth good grapes, did it bring forth wild grapes? Isaiah 5.4
According to the Lord, who is the Truth, everything was done for His vineyard to be what He had planned. But instead of producing good fruit, good grapes (holiness and other virtues that glorify God), it produced bad fruit, bad grapes (all kinds of sin, that shame Him). Unfortunately, we have not thought about what to do by being with Him in the accomplishment of His blessed work, and we have let the devil turn us into bad servants. The good grapes are the accomplishments that He expects from us. He has sown in our hearts the good seeds, which will enable us to live like Jesus in the midst of sinners. The Lord wants us to be holy, because He is holy, and also good ministers of the New Testament. However, we have done the same as those who sinned under the Law. Grace is the perfect law of liberty – morally, physically and financially (2 Corinthians 3.4-6). Honor Him! Wild grapes are produced in a deceitful heart, which has room for sensuality, dishonesty and other bad things that the devil leads man to accept (Ephesians 5.3-7). As long as you are not holy, you will never be used as you would like. We observe this in those who delude themselves with secret feelings toward man. These are not for the Lord, who sees everything. By accepting Jesus as your Savior, you have become a new creation. Wake up! Every saved person has the potential to be a representative of the Creator, who has only goodness in His essence. However, irresponsibly, many live as the devil wishes, coveting that which is worthless. Later, when they are attacked by evil, they have the courage to tell the Lord that they don’t understand His way of acting, because He didn’t protect them (James 4.1-10). You have to stop being a Pharisee and really become a servant of the Most High; otherwise, how can you judge angels (1 Corinthians 6.3)? The judgment of what we do in the open, or in secret, will reveal the good or the evil that we do: For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2.13). How should we deal with this? Confess to the Lord what your life is like, and ask Him to be merciful to you, in order to change it for the better. He will give you the conditions to be used today. God expects you to give good grapes. As a representative of the Kingdom of Heaven, it is impossible for the Lord not to judge you if you act against the divine rules. Therefore, see what fruit you have produced and, once renouncing Pharisaism and other practices of the flesh, live according to the model presented in the Holy Word. It is fruitful to be the person that the Father has planned. You will learn all this by meditating on the biblical writings (Psalm 119.9). Take advantage of what the Lord teaches in the verse we have studied. Never forget that the gift of holiness – the essence of the Savior – has been placed in every Christian. The devil cannot oppress the one who has become a new creation, because the old things have passed away (2 Corinthians 5.17). Now, if you decide to enjoy what comes from holiness, you will produce the good grapes. In Christ, with love, Doctor Soares. |
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